Time Saving Tips with DynaCore

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Using Keyboard Shortcuts Increases Productivity and Saves Time.

It may not seem as though a second or two could make a big difference in eliminating waste from the workday. But seconds add up to minutes, and minutes add up to hours.

The use of hotkeys makes the institution’s staff more efficient and boosts productivity.

Through the use of hotkeys, the DynaCore and DynaCash applications make it easy for the user to process a transaction accurately while providing time-saving space to host productive conversations with customers/members. One of the greatest advantages of hotkeys is speed. When handling transactions daily, speed and accuracy play a huge role within any financial institution. The best part is — the hotkeys are customizable and suited to the needs of the end-user — they don’t interfere with other applications.
Knowing the right shortcuts allows users to easily navigate their way through tasks in less time. The universal banker’s role is complicated enough, but hotkey shortcuts make it easier. Once empowered to use the keyboard for automating the customer’s cash transaction, the universal employee has more time for solving the real financial needs of the customer/member.
There are also health benefits to increasing keyboard shortcuts over mouse movement and hundreds of mouse clicks each day. By reducing the repetitive motion — like resting the heel of your palm on the desk and raising your finger to use the mouse — you reduce the risk of injury.
With customized hotkeys, the user can create their own shortcuts for withdrawals, deposits, and the opening of different windows within the application. Hotkeys allow for less time worrying about human error and free up time to focus on improving the overall customer experience by speeding up the customer’s transaction. Today, many financial institutions are gaining the full value from their investment through innovation and improving their overall branch efficiency. Being able to strike a few keystrokes to command an application can have a tremendous impact on the day’s productivity.